Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Diy Christmas trees

Christmas is getting close! I love this time. This is by far the most magical time in the year. The time where is allowed to be a child again, to get excited with the color lights, to eat candies like a pig... I am so anxious about Christmas time that I usually start planning what presents I am going to give, how will I decorate the house and the table, what will I prepare for dinner... almost two months in advance!
I love this event, so of course, I have to talk about it.
Today I am bringing you some fresh ideas about how to make a different Christmas tree. It is quite hard to renounce to the classic natural tree and ornaments, but the reasons that makes you choose a different option can be wide as the ocean, so here you have a bit of inspiration if you decide to "go wild" this year.

Wine cork, wooden planks, books... every possible object can become a Christmas tree. Basically you just have to respect the shape and add some "hanging" elements here and there and voilá!
The last one I did last year to decorate the class where I was teaching spanish. It is the most simple thing. You just need a piece of carton, an old book and some red felt. But the tool that you need for everyone of them is your imagination. So, use it!

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