Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Marmalade Jars favors

Using marmalade jars as wedding favors for our guests was one of the ideas that I have already mentioned yesterday in the 12 Tips for Saving in your wedding.
Last weekend I dedicated some of my free time to one of my hobbies: cooking. This time I was experimenting with new flavors for marmalades and I must tell you that the result was great.
Today I decided to turn some of my marmalades into an inspiration sample of a wedding favor that you can make yourself at home, with anything else than a piece of fabric that you like, some tread, thick paper and a white pencil (better if is pastel). This one I made having in mind the tastes of my sister in law, who will get married next year. I have used burlap to cover my jars. In slovene is called "juta" and you can find it in Svet Metraze. It's one of my favorite looking fabrics for wedding crafts but it is quite tricky to use. It smells and it falls apart quite easy, but the result looks even more natural when is not perfect. Is a good choice for eco or rustic weddings, and it combines very good with colors like white, red, green or black.
Below the photo, I wrote down the recipes of the marmalades that I have tried. I will try to write down the ingredients in slovene, so I apologize for my horrible declinations in advance. I hope it will be enough to understand. I encourage you to try it yourself. Your guest will be very surprised!

Apple + pumpkin marmalade 
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Ingredients for 10 jars
- 3 kilos of apples. I have used the golden variety.
- 1,5 kilo of pumpkin
- 1 kilo of sugar. I have used Wiener Zucker for Marmalades, so I avoided to add any lemon, as it is already prepared. If you use normal sugar, just add the juice of 1 or 2 lemons.
- 1 leave vainilla
- 1 stick of cinammon

Sestavine za 10 posod
- 3 kile jabolke
- 1,5 buča
- 1 kilo sladkor. Jaz sem dala Wiener Zucker za marmelado, ker ima še limonega kislina. Če dajte normalno sladkor, daj tudi 1-2 limone. 
- 1 vanilija stanja
- 1 cimet palico

Peel off the apples (and remove the hearths) and pumpkin and cut them in dices. If it takes you long, you can cover the apples with water to avoid the oxidation. Add the sugar and put on fire. Leave it on medium fire until starts melting. When the apples are soft you can smash everything with a fork and add the vainilla and cinammom.
I used a very low quantity of sugar in comparison as most of the marmalades, because the golden apples and the pumpkins are very sweet. The taste was just perfect, but if you want to conserve your marmalades for longer time, perhaps you should add more sugar. Most of people adds one kilo of sugar per kilo of fruit. I think it's a bit too much.
Sterilize your glass jars. For that, you can put them into a pot covered with water and boil them for 20-30 minutes. Another way is to wash them carefully with hot water and put them facedown in the oven on 140º for 10 minutes or until dry.
When the marmalade is ready (I left it on medium fire around 2 hours), distribute it on the jars when is still hot, leaving around 1 cm free in the top. Close the jars firmly and put them all together over a wooden surface. If you don't have a wooden surface, make sure that the surface where you are putting them is not very cold. Cover them immediately with a folded blanket, so that there is a lot of layers over. What you want to achieve is that the heat inside is conserved, so the jars are cooling down very slow. Leave them like this for a day, until they are completely cold.

Apple + aloe vera marmalade
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Ingredients for 6 jars
- 2 kilos of apples. I have used the golden variety.
- 300 grs. of aloe vera in dices (you can find it in Le Clerck)
- 1 lemon
- 1 kilo of sugar

Sestavine za 6 posod
- 2 kila jabolka. Sem dala "zlata jabolka"
- 300 gr. aloe vera (lahko najdete v Le Clerku)
- 1 limona
- 1 kilo sladkor

Peel of the apples and remove the hearths. Put the peels and hearths into a small pot with 100 cl of water and boil them for 5 minutes. Add the final liquid to the cut apples. Add the sugar, the lemon without the skin and white part and the aloe vera and put it on fire. Leave it on medium fire until everything is melted into a fine and creamy marmalade. You can also use the mixer to make it smoother. I left it around 2 hours on the fire.
For canning it, you can read the procedure on the first recipe.

Banana marmalade
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Ingredients for 6 jars
- 2 kilos of bananas
- juice of 2 lemons
- juice of 2 oranges
- 800 grs - 1 kilo of sugar
- 1 stick of cinnamon

Sestavine za 6 jars
- 2 kila banana
- sok iz 2 limona
- sok iz 2 pomaranča
- od 800 gr. do 1 kilo sladkor
- 1 cimet palico

Peel off the bananas and cut them into slices. Put them into a big pot and cover them quickly with the juice of the 2 lemons and 2 oranges. Cover it with the sugar and add the cinnamon stick. Leave it for 3 hours.
After that time, put it on fire and cook it for 2 hours until melted. Use the mixer if it's necessary.
You can read the procedure for canning on the first recipe.

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I hope you enjoy the recipes. Uživajte!

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